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This section is devoted to the listing and categorisation of Australian Great War poets. There are several categories to consider here, and each of them have their own page. When looking for a particular poet, just click on the page-link which you think the poet will be in and look down the list. If, for example, you are looking for a poet who fought at Anzac, then click in the Soldier poets and search there. When you find your poet, you will see different types of information which is relevant to that poet. There may sometimes be links to articles as well.

By clicking on the name of those poets whose name is underlined, and coloured blue, you will be taken to a link where you can read more about the poet. For the most part, this link is the AGWP blog. As can be seen, there are still many biographies and links to be added, once they are found or written.

Where you see a green, underlined term: Service Record, then you can click this to go to the service records of that poet. This only happens in the Soldier and Nurse pages. It should also be noted, that some of these records may be wrong, but they are very likely correct. The links are to assist researchers.

Also, if you see a poem or book title underlined, then you can follow the link to read the poem. Because of the obvious impossibilities, this page can only offer example poems, as there are far too many to include everything. Most times there is one only, but sometimes there are a few. This will be updated periodically.

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