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Prediction Poets
Poet Name
- Birth/Death - Origin
- Poetry (Book, Poem)
- Birth/Death - Origin
Australian born and living in the Australia
George Essex Evans
(1863-1909) - Regents Park, London, England
(1864-1902) - Bridgwater in Somerset, England: Service Record
While yet we May (1893)
At the River Crossing (1898)
(1867-1922) - Australia
The Star of Australasia (1895)
John Bernard O'Hara
(1862–1927) - Sandhurst (Bendigo), Victoria, Australia
Australia's Call to Arms (1904)
William Forster
(1818-1882) - Madras, India
William Wentworth
(1790-1872) - Australia
Australasia (1823)
Christopher John Brennan
(1870-1932) - Australia
The Burden of Tyre (1900-01)
(1865-1962) - Australia
The Dream-Mother Came to Me (1888)
The End of Joyousness (1892)
The Men of New Australia (1893)
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